WE Modern Humans need each other for support. Supporting each other works both ways: offering support, giving help and receiving it.
Support definition
To define support: To help others by offering backup. Support can be given in various areas and will help the other person in continuing or moving along with what he needs help with.
There are several kinds of support:
• Social support
Receiving and providing support through the social network. ‘I have been supported, with a little help from my friends’ is an expression you often come across. The people we can count on for support if we need this, are important in difficult or problematic situations. The support is often offered by an unexpected source.
• Emotional support
Emotional support is about letting know that you care about the other. Giving warmth and letting know that you are there and value the other, will boost this person’s self-confidence. You offer empathy, involvement, affection, love, trust, acceptance and encouragement.
• Tangible support
Tangible support is providing financial support, material goods or services. The other person is helped in a direct and concrete way.
• Informative support
This kind of support is about providing advice, guidance, suggestions or other useful information. The content of the information will help others to solve problems.
• Support groups
Support groups give someone the feeling that they belong somewhere or that they are part of a group. This is, for example, when participating in shared social activities where you can count on mutual support.
What does that mean?
As soon as you are stuck, support from others will get you the tools, insights and facilitations to make something that seemed impossible, possible.
A world where everyone supports and facilitates each other. The world will become a lot more bearable for everyone.
How can you improve yourself?
Be aware that you cannot do everything yourself. Look at the possibilities to receive support. Support works both ways, so also provide support to others.
As soon as someone gets stuck, you can offer him help to get things done easier. Also providing available tools, insights and facilities help to make things possible.
To receive support also has to do with the subjective expectation of the recipient. The received support relates more to the specific supportive actions undertaken by the others. Another form is support groups such as friends, colleagues and family members. Functional support groups can consist, for example, of friends, colleagues and like-minded people.